The Digitisation Darkside

The Digitisation Darkside

The Digitisation Darkside – a look at some of the unknown “dark arts” in the cyber space, and how they are being combatted. In my own counters with technology used for good – from biotechnology to assist with human deficit to creating AI models...
Make I Superhuman

Make I Superhuman

Make I Superhuman – a look into modern technology that is promising to unleash human potential on a massive scale. From robotics to artificial intelligence, this talk explores the opportunities that will arise for humans in the age of automation. From my own...
Quantify Me

Quantify Me

Quantify Me – digitisation, dematerialisation, and becoming the champion of your own health. The world of medicine and science is changing, and with that comes a large impact on our health and our experience of daily living. This talk investigates if we can...
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